The possibility of submitting to this special issue has been activated. Deadline for submission is fixed to the end of June 2023

Wenjian Liu - Qingdao Institute for Theoretical and Computational Sciences, Shandong University, P. R. China.Leonardo Belpassi - Institute of Chemical Science and Technology (SCITEC), National Research Council, Perugia, Italy.
Loriano Storchi - University of Chieti, Chieti, Italy.
Welcome to REHE
13th International Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics
We are pleased to welcome you to the 13th International Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics (REHE 2020) will be held in presence on September 26-30 2022 in Assisi, Italy.
The programme will include invited talks and poster presentations and throughout this event, we aim to cover the following topics:
- Topic A: Relativistic effects induced by strong fields
- Topic B: Future experiments and theory on the heaviest elements
- Topic C: Relativistic and QED effects in atoms and molecules
- Topic D: Bonding, reactivity and electronic structure in molecules and solids containing heavy elements
- Conference registration and abstract submission open: March 15th, 2022
- Abstract submission deadline for oral contributions: June 7th, 2022
- Abstract acceptance notification for oral contributions: June 14th, 2022
- Final registration and payment deadline for oral contributions: June 30th, 2022
For new registrations:
- Abstract submission deadline for posters contributions: July, 31st 2022
- Final registration and payment deadline for posters contributions: July, 31st 2022